A Couple Tips on How to Destress

Stress, or the lack thereof, plays an extremely important part in our life and how we can deal with it can dramatically impact our overall health. Everyone has their own ways of dealing with stress – some help, others not so much. If you have yet to figure out good ways to deal with stress, here are a couple tips to help you!

1.      Get a good bedtime ritual down to help you reach peaceful sleep

2.      Move and exercise! Keeping your body moving, no matter what you do, is a good habit to establish. Even if it is standing up and stretching during the work day, it will help.

3.      Coloring and arts can help sooth your mind

4.      Listen to music and try to slow down your thoughts to calm yourself

5.      Mindfulness activities such as yoga or meditation can also dramatically decrease your stress levels.

6.      Social activities! Having a good balance of being social in real life can certainly help you destress.

Foods can also play an important part of your stress levels:

1.      Blueberries

2.      Greek yogurt

3.      Almonds and walnuts

4.      Tuna and Salmon

5.      Carrots and celery

Thankfully, with our busy schedules, all of these foods are easy to grab and go in the mornings before the work day starts. They also contain nutrients to help you keep your stress levels low. Always remember that stress is highly dependent on your mental state AND your physical state.

You can view the original article here for additional details on how to destress.


BlogAmy Gray